Welcome to Hanyang’s Personal Website!
Dr. Hanyang Ma is an associate professor of management at SILC Business School, Shanghai University. He received his PhD and BE from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interest includes corporate social responsibility (CSR), international business, and project management. His work can be organized into two streams, with the first stream related to firm-level management on CSR and international business, and the second related to project-level efforts on stakeholder management. These two streams are linked by a common concern with how created shared value and sustainability are pursued through corporate and project strategies. He has published a series of papers in these two streams with total google scholar citations 2100+.
- R303, Wenshang Building, 20 Chengzhong Rd, Jiading, Shanghai 201800, China
- mahanyang@shu.edu.cn
- Shanghai University, SILC Business School
- Associate Professor of Management, 2021-
- Lecturer (Scholarly-Academic) of Management, 2018-2021
- University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology
- Lecturer (Joint-Appointment) of Engineering Management, 2021-2024
- University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
- Visiting Scholar of Strategy (advisor: Prof. Brian X. Wu), 2016-2017
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Construction & Environment
- RA of Building & Real Estate (advisor: Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. Shen), 2014-2015
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics & Management
- PhD in Management Science & Engineering (advisor: Prof. Saixing Zeng), 2011-2018
- with Excellent Doctoral Dissertation by Society of Management Science and Engineering of China
- with Excellent Doctoral Dissertation by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Mechanical Engineering
- BE in Mechanical Engineering & Automation (advisor: Prof. Sun Jin), 2005-2009
- Deputy Head, Department of Business Administration, SILC, Shanghai University, 2022-
- Committee, Engineering Management Branch, Society of Management Science and Engineering of China, 2023-
- Committee, Shanghai Systems Engineering Society of China, 2021-
- Committee, SILC Youth Teacher Sodality, Shanghai University, 2021-
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2023-
- Guest associated editor for: Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2018-2019
- Editorial board (Youth member): Project Management Technology (项目管理技术, a Chinese journal), 2024-
- Ad hoc reviewer for: Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Business Strategy and the Environment, Chinese Management Studies, Construction Management and Economics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Frontiers of Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Journal of Management in Engineering, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Systems and Management (系统管理学报, a Chinese journal), Management and Organization Review, Management Decision, Management Review (管理评论, a Chinese journal), Plos One, Research Policy, Scientific Reports, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Sustainable Development
Other Experience
- Deloitte Consulting (China)
- Intern for data management and project management, 2012-2012
- Science & Technology Department of Tibet
- Volunteer for Xibu Youth Project, 2009-2010
- Volunteer for Xibu Youth Project, 2009-2010
Journal Articles
- Ma, H.Y. Kong, Z.J. Liu, D. Zeng, R.C.* (2025). Public responses to operators’ information disclosure in urban infrastructure accidents. Journal of Management in Engineering, accepted.
- Ma, H.Y. Kong, Z.J. Han, Y.L.* Zeng, R.C. (2024). Can aid intervention facilitate project resilience performance? An inverted U-shaped relationship investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 11078-11090.
- Ma, H.Y. Lin, Y. Kong, Z.J. Zou, H.L.* (2024). International diversification ambidexterity of emerging economy contractors: A matching perspective with industrial features. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 3782-3794.
- Ma, H.Y. Zou, J.J. Zou, H.L.* (2024). The longer, the farther? The internationalization of Chinese firms. Chinese Management Studies, 18(5), 1514-1536.
- Suo, X.K. Lin, H.* Yuan, M. Zhang, L.T. Lu, Y.H. Ma, H.Y.* (2024). Can green innovation mitigate corporate stock price crash risk? Evidence from China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, forthcoming.
- Zou, H.L. Qi, G.Y.* Ma, H.Y. (2024). Still dare to be different? Peers’ CSR engagement and analysts’ response to focal firms’ CSR strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, forthcoming.
- Kong, Z.J. Ma, H.Y.* Lv, K.J. Shi, J.J. (2023). Liability of foreignness in public-private partnership projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(9), 04023085.
- Zou, H.L.* Liang, Z.D. Qi, G.Y. Ma, H.Y. (2023). Corporate philanthropic response to the COVID 19 pandemic in China: A dilemma? Social Responsibility Journal, 19(6), 1085-1106.
- Sun, D.X. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Shi, J.J. (2023). How do bullet trains spur innovation? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(1), 3944-3957.
- Li, L. Wang, S.Q. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Zheng, R.Y. (2023) Unveiling the social responsibility factors driving new infrastructure construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, forthcoming.
- Ma, H.Y. Lv, K.J. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Shi, J.J. (2022). Climbing the pyramid of megaproject social responsibility: Impacts of external stakeholders and project complexity. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(11), 04022116.
- Zeng, S.X. Chen, H.Q.* Ma, H.Y. Shi, J.J. (2022). Governance of social responsibility in international infrastructure megaprojects. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 9(2), 343-348.
- Ma, H.Y. Sun, D.X. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Shi, J.J. (2021). The effects of megaproject social responsibility on participating organizations. Project Management Journal, 52(5), 418-433.
- Zou, H.L.* Qi, G.Y.* Xie, X.M.* Ma, H.Y.* (2021). The effects of formal and informal CEO power on firm risk: The mediating role of corporate social responsibility. Asia Pacific Business Review, 27(5), 749-775.
- Ma, H.Y. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Zeng, R.C. (2020). Impact of public sector on sustainability of public-private partnership projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(2), 04019104.
- Yu, B.J. Zeng, S.X.* Meng, X.H. Ma, H.Y. Sun, D.X. (2020). Does natural environment prefer the right to the left? Governors’ partisanship and corporate environmental performance. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(4), 1605-1616.
- Jin, Z.Z. Zeng, S.X.* Cao, C. Ma, H.Y. Sun, D.X. (2020). Impacts of pollution abatement projects on happiness: An exploratory study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 274, 122869.
- Ma, H.Y. Liu, Z.M. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Tam, V.W.Y. (2020). Does megaproject social responsibility improve the sustainability of the construction industry? Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(4), 975-996.
- Liu, Z.M. Zeng, S.X.* Xu, X.D. Lin, H. Ma, H.Y. (2019). Corporate misconduct, trade credit, and charitable donations: Evidence from Chinese listed companies. Chinese Management Studies, 13(3), 664-686.
- Lin, H. Sui, Y. Ma, H.Y. Wang, L.Y.* Zeng, S.X. (2018). CEO narcissism, public concern, and megaproject social responsibility: A moderated mediating examination. Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(4), 04018018.
- Ma, H.Y. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Chen, H.Q. Shi, J.J. (2017). The societal governance of megaproject social responsibility. International Journal of Project Management, 35(7), 1365-1377.
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Zeng, R.C. Tam V.W.Y. (2017). An indicator system for evaluating megaproject social responsibility. International Journal of Project Management, 35(7), 1415-1426.
- Chen, H.Q. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Ma, H.Y. (2017). Munificence, dynamism, and complexity: How industry context drives corporate sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(2), 125-141.
- Ma, H.Y. Zeng, S.X.* Shen, G.Q.P. Lin, H., Chen, H.Q. (2016). International diversification and corporate social responsibility: An empirical study of Chinese contractors. Management Decision, 54(3), 750-774.
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X. Wang, L.Y.* Zou, H.L. Ma, H.Y. (2016). How does environmental irresponsibility impair corporate reputation? A multi-method investigation. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 23(6), 413-423.
- Chen, H.Q. Li, X.D. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Lin, H. (2016). Does state capitalism matter in firm internationalization? Pace, rhythm, location choice, and product diversity. Management Decision, 54(6), 1320-1342.
- Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Lin, H. Zeng, R.C. Tam, V.W.Y. (2015). Social responsibility of major infrastructure projects in China. International Journal of Project Management, 33(3), 537-548.
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Chen, H.Q. (2015). Does commitment to environmental self-regulation matter? An empirical examination from China. Management Decision, 53(5), 932-956.
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Chen, H.Q. (2015). How political connections affect corporate environmental performance: The mediating role of green subsidies. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 21(8), 2192-2212.
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Qi, G.Y. Tam, V.W.Y. (2014). Can political capital drive corporate green innovation? Lessons from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, 63-72.
- Fang, X. Ma, H.Y. (2024). Involution anxiety mentality of college students: Antecedents and coping strategies. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences, 上海交通大学学报, a Chinese Journal), conditional accepted.
- Wang, L.Q. Ma, H.Y.* Sun, D.X. Yu, B.J. (2018). Financial risk of PPP projects: The moderating effects of financing structure and institutional environment. Journal of Systems and Management (系统管理学报, a Chinese journal), 27(1), 83-92.
- Wei, Q.M. Lin, H.* Jiang, W. Ma, H.Y. (2017). The empirical study on the health effects of rural water treatment projects: An econometric analysis based on provincial spatial panel data. Journal of Systems and Management (系统管理学报, a Chinese journal), 26(4), 648-655.
- Zeng, S.X. Lin, H. Ma, H.Y. (2018). Social Responsibility of Mega Infrastructure Projects (重大基础设施工程社会责任, in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing.
Non-refereed Publication
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. (2016). China: Water scheme acts as ecological buffer. Nature, 529(7586), 283-283.
Conference Papers & Invited Presentations
- Wang, S.S. Chen, Y.D.* Zhang, Z.Y. Ma, H.Y. Managing megaproject external stakeholders through analyzing posting patterns on social media. Annual Conference of Chinese Acacdemy of Management, Suzhou, 2024.
- Ma, H.Y. The contingent effects of institutional environment in international project management. Committee Conference of Engineering Management Branch, MSE Society of China, Aksu, 2024.
- Ma, H.Y. Kong, Z.J. Liu, D. Zeng, R.C. Information disclosure and public response in urban infrastructure accidents: A mixed-method investigation. Annual Conference of Engineering Management Branch, MSE Society of China, Chongqing, 2024.
- Ma, H.Y. An institutional perspective in global project management research. Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 2023.
- Ma, H.Y. Kong, Z.J. Han, Y.L. Can aid interventions facilitate project resilience? An inverted U-shaped relationship investigation. IPMA Research Conference, Nanjing, 2023.
- Kong, Z.J. Ma, H.Y.* Lv, K.J. Liability of foreignness in public-private partnership projects. Annual Conference of Public Administration of China, Nanjing, 2022.
- Lin, H.* Zeng, S.X. Ma, H.Y. Wu, P.P. The stakeholder coupling and megaproject social responsibility: A moderated moderating investigation. Construction Research Congress, Philadelphia, 2020.
- Ma, H.Y. Wu, B.* Zeng, S.X. The impact of high-speed railways on rural income distribution in China. International Megaprojects Workshop: Theory Meets Practice, Shanghai, 2018; Annual Conference of MSE Society of China, Kunming, 2018.
- Ma, H.Y. Zeng, S.X.* Li, S.N. Customer focus and product innovation: An absorptive capacity perspective. Global Innovation & Knowledge Academy Conference, Lisbon, 2017.
- Ma, H.Y. Zeng, S.X.* Lin, H. Chen, H.Q. International diversification and corporate social responsibility: A perspective of contractors from emerging economies. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Sydney, 2014.
- Lin, H. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. How political connection affect corporate environmental performance: An empirical examination. International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Shanghai, 2013.
Working Papers
- Ma, H.Y. Xie, Y.X. Chen, H.Q.* Firm internationalization and corporate social responsibility: Unveiling the linkages through meta analysis. (Submitted to JWB)
- Zou, H.L. Yang, X.Y. Ma, H.Y.* Can digital transformation curb corporate social responsibility decoupling? (Submitted to CSR&EM)
- Yu, B.J. Ma, H.Y. Zou, H.L.* Customer concentration and greenwashing. (Under review at O&E)
- Ma, H.Y. Lv, K.J.* Feng, K. Globalization and de-globalization in AEC industry: An ESG perspective. (Submitted to JME)
- Zeng, R.C. Li, S.N. Ma, H.Y.* Customer orientation and production innovation. (Submitted to JSM)
- Li, L. Wan, M.Q. Wang, S.Q. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Yuan, M.Q. Collaborative network of responsible innovation in mega transportation projects. (Under review at IEEE-TEM)
- Yang, X.Y. Zou, H.L.* Ma, H.Y. Promoter or inhibitor? How information intermediaries influence underperforming firms’ CSR decoupling. (Under review at B&S)
- Qi, G.Y. Chang, R.F. Ma, H.Y. Zou, H.L.* Does within-country religious diversity lead to public–private partnership (PPP) project failure? The role of partners’ experience. (Rejected by JME)
- Du, J. Wang, W.X. Ma, H.Y.* Sugumaran, V. Stakeholder cooperation mechanism for prefabricated construction projects. (Rejected with encouragement to resubmit at JCEM)
- Sui, Y. Zeng, S.X.* Sun, D.X. Ma, H.Y. From lip service to virtue signaling: The role of political connections in corporate social responsibility decoupling. (Rejected by BSE)
- Sui, Y. Lin, H.* Zeng, S.X. Tam, V.W.Y. Ma, H,Y. Can big egos be green? A three-way interaction effect of CEO narcissism on corporate environmental performance. (Rejected by IEEE-TEM)
- Ma, H.Y.* Heterogeneous responses for the social responsibility in international projects: An economic model. (Manuscript writing, target: J-MS)
- Ma, H.Y.* Strategic thinking in megaproject management. (In progress)
- Kong, Z.J. Ma, H.Y.* Explaining the transformation and heterogeneity in ESG performance of construction firms. (In progress, target: JCEM)
- Ma, H.Y. Wang, Y.F. Chen, H.Q.* Board independence and green innovation: A meta-analysis. (Manuscript writing, target: IEEE-TEM)
- Ma, H.Y. Guo, Y.N. Lv, K.J.* Internationalization to escape from domestic competition? Moderating roles of technological innovation. (Manuscript writing, target: JIBS)
- Li, L. Luan, H.Y. Zeng, S.X.* Ma, H.Y. Yuan, M.Q. Cross-knowledge domain decision-making benchmark for mega transportation infrastructure projects. (In progress)
- Fang, X. Ma, H.Y. Impact of AI learning pressure on college students’ anxiety: A moderated mediating examination. (Manuscript finished)
- Zou, H.L. Huang, S.M. Ma, H.Y. CEO outsideness assuming corporate environmental responsibility. (Manuscript finished)
- Ma, H.Y. Kong, Z.J. Fortress besieged: Multinational enterprises’ entry and exit after disasters in host countries. (In progress)
- Isomorphic drivers and heterogeneous responses of international contractors’ social responsibility (NSFC, 2023-2026, RMB 460k). PI.
- Risk management and resilience improvement for urban transportation infrastructure (STCSM, 2023-2024, RMB 100k). PI.
- Faculty training and teaching reform on intelligent audit of public projects (MOE, 2022-2023, RMB 20k). PI.
- Course teaching reform on research methodology and essay writing of MSc program (SHU-SILC, 2023, RMB 20k). PI.
- The governance for sustainability of international PPP projects: A perspective of institutional logic. (MOE, 2020-2023, RMB 80k). PI.
- The governance of international PPP projects: A perspective of sustainable development (NAU, 2017, RMB 10k). PI.
- Innovation islands, flexible innovation, and capacity promotion for mega infrastructure projects (NSFC, 2017-2022). Co-investigator.
- Research on the social responsibility, industrial core competence, and sustainable development for mega infrastructure engineering (NSFC, 2014-2018). Co-investigator.
- Coordinating & Instructing for:
- (SHU-MSc) Academic Standards and Essay Writing, 2022-
- (SHU-MSc) Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research, 2018-
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Academic Norms and Writing, 2024-
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Practical Series: Thesis, Cognition Practice, Specialty Practice, and Social Investigation, 2023-
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Project Management, 2021-
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Qualitative Research in Management, 2020-
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Management Thinking, 2020-2024
- (UTS-MEM) Engineering Project Preparation, 2021-2023
- (UTS-MEM) Judgement and Decision Making, 2021-2021
- Instructing for:
- (UTS-MEM) Engineering Project Preparation, 2024-
- (SHU-Undergraduate) New Retail Management, 2021-2022
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Principles of Management, 2019-2019
- TA for:
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Marketing Foundations, 2020-2020
- (SHU-Undergraduate) Management Thinking, 2019-2019
- (SJTU-Undergraduate) Project Management, 2013-2016
- (SJTU-Undergraduate) Technological Innovation and Management, 2013-2016
- UTS-PhD: Zijiong Kong (2024-)
- SHU-MSc: Miao Wu (2025-), Xingxing Xu (2025-), Pengyi Ye (2024-), Yifei Wang (2023-), Yang Sun (2023-), Dongrong Wu (2023-), Yuning Guo (2022-), Yaxin Xie (2022-), Zijiong Kong (2021-2024), Yao Lin (2021-2024), Jingjie Zou (2019-2024)
- SHU-MPAcc: Rui Meng (2025-), Yanwen Pang (2022-2024), Yiling Wu (2022-2024)
- UTS-MEM: Hongtao Fu (2023-), Mingjun Gong (2023-), Sifan Wang (2023-), Yang Cao (2022-2024), Changning Shan (2022-2024), Yang Ma (2022-2024), Chengcheng Xu (2022-2024), Liejia Yang (2022-2024), Zhaosheng Zhu (2022-2024), Siyi Ji (2021-2023), Qifeng Jin (2021-2023), Xuejun Shen (2021-2023), Yiqing Weng (2021-2023), Shifan Gu (2020-2022), Siyang Xie (2020-2022)
- Second Prize for Shanghai Municipality for the Decision-Making Consultation Research Achievements (Gov. of Shanghai, 2023).
- Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Advisor (SHU, 2024/2023/2022).
- Research Achievement Award (SHU-SILC, 2022).
- Choi Koon-Shum Outstanding Young Teacher (SHU, 2021).
- First Prize for National Science & Technology Progress Award (MOE of China, 2019).
- Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (Society of Mgt. Sci. & Eng. of China, 2019).
- Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (SJTU, 2019).
- Third Prize for Provincial Philosophy & Sociology Research Award (DOE of Jiangsu, 2018).
- National Scholarship for Overseas Exchange PhD Students (CSC, 2016).
- National Scholarship for Graduate Students (MOE of China, 2016).
- Bronze Prize for Chinese Youth Volunteers Award (CYL of China, 2010).
- Outstanding Student (SJTU, 2015/2007).